Russia from one American's perspective.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Babushka asked us where she could could buy some "chistotel" which a direct translation of would be "clean body." Evidently chistotel is an herb that removes warts and skintags and is highly invasive and unlikely to be allowed into the gardens of California, no matter how "polezno" the herb may be.

Tinctures are available. But whether they are the "real herb" or some strange substitute, we do not know.

In the meantime, trying to find good information on the web was a lot of fun. Check out this article excerpt:

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS Chistotel. Outstanding hepatic means, patogenez which includes set of the direct and reflex symptoms caused by defeat of this body. Icteric colouring of a skin and especially constant pains under the bottom corner of the right shovel are indications for this preparation. Paralytic extension and a lameness of one finiteness

You can read more of the fun at the source location here.